Bekko Koi

Quick Statistics - Bekko Koi
Temperament: Community
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Cyprinus
Native To: Asia
Diet: Omnivore
Food: Commercial koi food including pellets and live food
Adult Size: more than 12"
Temperature: 65° - 78°F
Care Level: Relatively easy
Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio
Lifespan: Greater than 10 years
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Environment: Freshwater pond fish. An aquarium doesn't provide adequate space for a koi since some can weigh as much as 40 lbs and grow to several feet in length.

Bekko koi is a yellow, white, or red-skinned koi that has small black markings sumi. In Japanese the name often means tortoise shell. Different versions of the Bekko koi are called Ki Bekko, Shiro Bekko , and Aka Bekko, which are white, red, and yellow in color.



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