Showa Koi

Quick Statistics - Showa Koi
Temperament: Community
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Cyprinus
Native To: Asia
Diet: Omnivore
Food: Insects and commercial food such as pellets
Adult Size: more than 12"
Temperature: 65° - 78°F
Care Level: Relatively easy
Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio
Lifespan: Often greater than 10 years if given adequate care
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Environment: Freshwater pond fish. An aquarium doesn't provide adequate space for a koi since some can weigh as much as 40 lbs and grow to several feet in length.

Showa is a koi variety that is mainly black with white and red markings. The Showa koi is sometimes called the Showa Sanshoku.. The first Showa koi was shown at an exhibition in 1927. The Showa koi is sometimes confused with the Taisho Sanke due to their markings.



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